What Lea Marlene Actors Studio / Meisner Technique Students Are Saying…
Lea is a gem! Anyone who is genuinely interested in becoming not only an actor, but a believable one, must take the 2-Year Meisner class and graduate. It’s brutally beautiful; and you will learn more about yourself and how to leave yourself alone onstage and grow as an artist indefinitely with this training.

She brought in amazing teachers for intense workshops. She knows the ins and outs of the industry and has personal and practical knowledge to pass along for future work.

She has taught me so much about how to truly work everything out to benefit the realness for everyone; obviously important for the audience but absolutely essential for you as an actor.

She’s taught me how to harness my nerves and use them to benefit my character’s natural instincts.
I am blessed to call her my teacher and her studio my home and look forward to working with all future students, too!

Believe in the work and believe in yourself!

Thank you, Lea Marlene ♡
My cup runneth over! ♡♡

Erica Boston West

Meisner Technique Graduate

It’s hard to express how rare and exceptional both Lea Marlene and the Namastage studio truly are. Her insight into not only the craft of acting but life and the incredible journey that we all share leaves me in awe on a weekly basis. She creates a space for creative souls to explore parts of themselves they never knew existed while encouraging them to be the people they’re meant to be by simply reminding them that who they are is all they need to be. To be present, to listen to yourself and others and live authentically in the moment is a tremendous gift in acting and in life and it all pours from her in such a generous manner. I always believed acting to be more about taking the mask off as opposed to putting another one on. Finding an affirmation of that principle in the Meisner Technique and an example of those truths embodied by Lea Marlene and all who grace the Namastage theatre has left me profoundly changed and inspired to say the least.


Marc Brown


Meisner Technique Graduate

The most formative, impactful and life changing acting studio I’ve studied at ever! I graduated from Lea’s Studio summer 2017, and thanks to all the breakdowns and breakthroughs, Lea gave me the skills to see my worth, and find my true inner confidence. I owe so much to Lea and her studio, I lack the grace to put it in words. No matter where my acting journey takes me, I will always come back here!

Juan M. Mendoza

Meisner Technique Graduate

” Every day the words “open and available” bounce around in my head. Being open and available in acting allows you to connect with your fellow actors and that is when great things happen on stage, but it also helps off stage, in day to day life. When you focus on others you really notice how closed off we are and when you put even the slightest bit of attention on a stranger, the way they light up and open up is really cool. A barrier if for the smallest moment comes down and its great to see someone let their guard down. I also love the way The Meisner Technique, in acting, teaches you to get so in touch with yourself that you leave yourself alone. And above all else its fun! What’s life if you’re not having fun doing the things you love, learning new things and meeting talented people? “

Art Razo

Meisner Technique Graduate